News of 3203 Turn 30

League of Non-Aligned Worlds Formed Stardate 3203.070 Gorilla, Quadrant 0 After over two years of negotiation,foreign ministers from Gorilla, Kordon, Benny, Ahriman, Count Down, Kree, Shi’Ar, Vijanta, Nissan, Wing, Duke and L99 announced the formation of a ‘League of Non-Aligned Worlds’ of Quadrant Zero. The essential purpose of the league is to uphold the interests […]

News of 3217 Turn 144

In Brief:  New Draconis refugee numbers top 1/4 million point. Terrorists Bomb  Transhuman Registration Office Dateline 3217.132 116AL Q7 A massive explosion was heard throughout the captial city of the 116Al colony, as a suicide bomb attack utterly devasted government offices in the downtown area of the city.  Over 64 colonists died in the attack, […]

News of 3217 Turn 145 Special

WOLF NAVY REMAINS COMMITTED TO ‘OBLITORATING’ ALL ALIENS Dateline 3217.205 The new head of the Royal Navy Sir George Zambellas, speaking at the launch of a new Royal Navy vessel, revealed a very clear position of the Navy in Wolf external relations. “Colleagues and guests. We are facing the most challenging security environment in many […]