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  IFU Articles of Association (as at 3204.350)

1. The company will be called 'Interstellar Freelance Unlimited'. It shall have as its core business the undertaking of military operations for legitimate organisations, whether government or commercial.

Decision Making
2. The company will be governed by its Board of Directors. Changes to the articles of association must be unanimously agreed. Except where laid down otherwise all decisions by the Board will be by simple majority. All directors have an equal vote in Board decisions.

Adopting Directors
3. New Directors may be co-opted by an unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. The initial Directors are listed in Schedule 1.

Removing Directors
3. Directors may only be removed by two-thirds majority of the Board and two-thirds of the votes present at a General Meeting of shareholders.

Quorate Board Meetings
4. Board meetings are only quorate if there are a majority of Directors present or two-thirds of Directors have consented to the meeting take place.

5. The company will operate on a for profit basis. No more than one third of net profit in any Financial Year may be disbursed to employees or Directors.

6. The Financial Year will run concurrently with the Interstellar year.

7. All monies, goods or other securities received by Directors or employees from customers are deemed to have been paid to the company.

General Meetings
8. There will be at least one General Meeting of shareholder each Financial Year.

Calling General Meetings
9. General meetings may be called at any time by one third of the directors or if 400 days have passed since the last general meeting. All shareholders must be delivered at least 25 days notice of the meeting.

Validity of General Meetings
10. General meetings shall only be quorate if a majority of the votes currently available are present and a majority of the current Directors are also present. Each share held entitles the holder to one vote at



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The Universe(of Starship Marine, Cruel Void and Hellfire) is © Jim Wallman 1996-2005. You may freely use this material in other games, works, websites etc for your personal entertainment - with appropriate credits as to authorship and copyright. It may not be resold or distributed with any publication for sale without the express permission of the copyright holder.