Customer: New Elysium and Bookworm colony administrations, Z161
The continent of Talorela on the world of Z161 has recently been settled
by three new start-up colonies following the discovery of red mercury
by survey teams. However, the commercial colonies of Bookworm and New
Elysium have been on the receiving end of sporadic air attacks by the
Church of the Sword of the Lord, a militant religious enclave. The two
colonies have pooled their resources and are looking to hire an experienced
mercenary force for a 50-100 day period. The task of the mercenaries will
be to remove the Churchs military capability. Currently they envisage
a commando-style raid to disable Church air assets on the ground and destroy
any heavy ground equipment. There are some small local forces who can
assist, but essentially the bulk of the work will fall on the mercenary
forces. They are looking for at least a regimental-sized Marine force
with their own space transport. No transport costs to/from the colony
can be covered, and
owing to the state of local infrastructure any equipment required must
be provided by the mercenaries themselves.

the Church operate several strike aircraft including a single pacifier
and a squadron of flyers and are known to have satellite cover. Owing
to the secretive nature of the group and their air superiority the size
and composition of ground forces is not known, but they are believed to
be unlikely to be more than 1,000 motivated but poorly-trained militia,
possibly augmented by up to half a dozen armoured vehicles and possibly
advised by a handful of offworld experts.
Offer: Cr 3.5 million, plus a scalable bonus of up to Cr 0.5 million
depending on success.
Timescale: No expiry date but asap.
To: IFU Permanent Staff
From: Leon Mack-Duff, IFU Contract Director
The SCA air assets, including two Pacifiers, at Elohim City were destroyed
on the ground, together with their satellite ground station and four hover
APCs. IFU casualties were four slightly wounded. The contract was completed
to the clients satisfaction in one strike operation. Payment received
in full with Bonus of Cr 600k to give total of Cr 3.75m. Profit Cr 1.28m
(52% of costs), allowing for bonus of 1 Octant pay to contract staff,
TBC. We are currently negotiating the sale of the four IFU Hover APCs
to Bookworm / New Elysium to defray our costs further..JPG)
IFU contingent sailed to Z161 aboard SS Osprey 3, Captain Flynn. 27 of
the recruits were picked up from Rover's M25. As reported by Hiro Nakamura,
Osprey 3 is fitted with a multi-cannon pod. SS Osprey 3 arrived at Z161
M25 3206.101. We arranged for New Elysium to provide exclusive use of
warehousing at First Landing. Landing of the contingent began 3206.112.
3.1 EN Intelligence
Air assets : 3 x Pacifers, 1 used as spares; 4 x Strike Air; 2 x Attack
Flyers; 2 x Transport Flyers. All located at Elohim City air-strip. Approx
4 x Hover APCs plus assorted Technicals base in Elohim City. The orbits
of the SCA satellites were plotted. Data provided by Osprey 3 over flight,
Hiro Nakamura and New Elysium / Bookworm.
3.2 Approach March
Operation Birds-Nest was on 3206.115 at night. IFU Hover APC advanced
from New Landing at H -4.45. The APCs concealed themselves in the river
when SCA satellites passed over. IFU shuttles took-off from New Landing
at H -1.45, flew high, over the eastern horizon from Elohim City, then
returned at low level, with the final approach under water, to avoid EN
3.2 Assault
The HMA were organised into squads of 4: 1 x HQ, 1 x Pioneer (with Demo-Tech
& guards), 2 x Support (with 2 x ATGW & 2 x LRGM), 21 x SLA Squads.
5 x Platoons of 4 x Squads were each commanded by an officer: Bennie Parker
(2IC) - B Platoon, Frank Buck - F Platoon, Tony Silverado - T Platoon,
Pilar [ ??? - can't recall Rob's character's full name - played by Paul
] - P Platoon, and Gillian Sameria [ Jim ] - G Platoon. The HMA Assault
Group - 5 x Platoons with HQ and Pioneer Squads - deployed from the sea
at the South end of the runway. The Fire Support Group - Hover APCs with
2 x SLA Squads for close defence - deployed on the sand bars to the East
/ seaward side of the airfield, circa 1.5 km from the aircraft standing
area. Axes of Attack: G Platoon with P Platoon in support to Aircraft
on the Aircraft Standing Area (ACSA), thence to Barracks, Fuel-Storage
& Maintenance Area (BFMA); F Platoon with T Platoon in support to
Radar / Satellite Ground
Station (RSGS), thence to BFMA. B Platoon was Reserve and deployed to
guard the approach from South West, where the EN Hover APCs were spotted
by SS Osprey 3.
The attack proceeded in accordance with the plan. All EN aircraft were
destroyed, including 1 x Pacifier taxiing toward the runway. The RSGS
and 5 x bunkers in the BFMA were destroyed by Demo-charges. EN forces
encountered on airfield were 2 x HMA Squads and 6 x Militia Squads. The
HMA are mercenaries; all were captured including 1 x KIA, 2 x Serious
Wounds, 1 Light Wound. The Militia were casualties or dispersed. EN vehicles,
4 x Hover APCs plus 7 others attempted to engage; all were immediately
destroyed by ATGW. Time in action approx. 30 minutes.
3.3 Return March
There was no EN threat, therefore Shuttles and Hover APCs moved directly
to First Landing. The HMA prisoners were included [more than enough room
in APCs for the extra 8]. Our casualties were: Officer Gillian Sameria,
OC G Platoon - Scratch; 2 x HMA - Scratch; 1 x HMA - Light Wound.
4.1 Contract Completion
All Mission Objectives attained. New Elysium & Bookworm colonies awarded
IFU bonus of Cr 600 k [Richard, I understand this to be equivalent to
Cr 350 k increasing the payment to the Cr 3.5 m budget offer, plus Cr
250 k bonus - is that right?].
4.2 Tactical Lessons
OP Birds Nest confirms that Hover APC fitted with multiple ATGW &
LRGM launchers is advantageous.
4.3 Commendations Contract Staff
Officer Gillian Sameria is commended for exemplary leadership in pressing
the attack.
4.4 Casualties
Four minor wounds. In answer to the carping regarding IFU force strength,
I would remind recipients that we are a commercial company and not the
armed forces of a polity. Refer to the IFU Health & Safety Policy
for enlightenment. Therefore it is a prime objective to keep casualties
to the minimum while making a profit. I am sure that no one will suggest
that our margin on Tender #20 is not adequate.
4.5 Contract Staff Pay Bonus
I propose a 1 octant profit related bonus for all contract staff, i.e.
pay will be for 4 octants, a 33% bonus. This might appear generous for
30 minutes action, but my intention is to enhance IFU ability to recruit.
I'll let Mack-Duff tell everyone all the dtails. This is my thumbail
We were approximately company srength (slightly under). Mack-Duff was
in command and he split us into two platoons, a fire support group (with
all the vehicles) and Bennie Parker as 2ic with a half platoon multiple
as operational reserve.
Gillian [surname], a former GF Major, lead one platoon through the aircraft
park with great élan (she got hit by some enhusiastic militiaman
with an RPG). The other platoon, led by Tony Silverado with me as number
two went for the satellite uplink.
We deployed in line abreast with my multiple on the left of the line.
The FSG were deployed outside the built up area on the extreme right which
was also designated as the exfiltration point.
My team moved in bounds up the runway, me in the lead. As soon as we
had the satellite uplink tower in our sights we engaged it with HE missile
and destroyed it (turn 1). At this point there was no opposition. We carried
on up the runway at speed and spotted lots of confusion in the aircaft
park to which we applied small arms to in addition to the mortar fire
that was being laid down by the FSG. At the same time an enemy hover APC
appeared at the end of the runway near our start line. My AT team engaged
and destroyed this with one missile, there was no doubt - it exploded.
A pacifier got underway and came under very heavy fire, causing the pilot
to eject. Generally the enemy was awake and a lot of fairly undisiplined
fire was happening. It was at this stage that Gill attracted the attention
of a militiaman armed with an RPG. He scored a lucky hit and was promptly
My team then came under some remarkably effective fire which took down
Littmoden. We engaged with the entire multiple and had a stiff fireight
before the enemy stopped firing. Before we could assault their position
about fifty enemy with four HMA troopers counter attacked. The HMA attracted
a lot of fire and were all knocked out. The militia retired closely followed
by my multiple and half of Gill's platoon (the other half was ensuring
that the pacs and flyers weren't repairable).
The mêlée was short and decisive. Once we got in amongst
them resistance crumbled. I accepted the surrender of four mercenaries
in HMA as well as the survivors of two platoons of militia.
As we were mopping up an recovering casulties an armoured counter attack
came in. This received very heavy fire and all but one of the seen vehicles
were disabled or destroyed.