The Draconian colony is a single breakaway world, inhabited by
an astonishingly arrogant culture. The bulk of the population use
cyborg technology to an unprecedented degree - where the rest of
the universe prefer techniques of human genetic engineering to achieve
near perfect humanity, the Draconians believe that only in partnership
with machines can humanity reach its peak.
As far as the rest of humanity are concerned, they are completely
main impact of the high levels of cyborging is to dehumanise the
typical Draconian - in extreme cases they are more machine than
human. They have developed a vicious meritocracy based on power
and achievement - a sort of artificial social Darwinism. They also,
as a people, believe in the superiority of themselves, their system,
and their way of life. In draconian eyes, the rest of the universe
merely temporarily inhabited by 'organics' (a term of abuse) - waiting
for the Draconian Empire to gather sufficient power to realise its
obvious destiny; to rule over the whole of human space.
At present the Draconian Empire rules over a single world and
a few asteroids in a forgotten corner of The Human Universe.
One further point - the Draconians rarely, if ever, refer to themselves
as 'Draconian', especially when talking to outsiders. They most
often call themselves 'The Empire' and 'Imperials' - sometimes they
just assume everyone knows who they are, since their superiority
is so obvious.
The current emperor was Emperor Krakken III - since his capture
by an Earth Empire punative expedition, there has been civil war
on Draconis.
Political Background
The Draconian Empire is aware of a crisis in the 'organic space'
- but since they do not welcome visitors, or have much contact with
the outside normally, they have kept out of it. They have heard
of the 'Exterminators' - a hostile machine intelligence, but the
prevailing view on Draconis is that the Exterminators have only
been hostile out of contempt for the weak and useless organic humans.
Draconis want to become strong enough that when the organic nationalities
do start to take an interest, it can defend itself sufficiently
to make conquest too expensive - and thus retain their independence.