Earth Empire Colony in Quadrant 7
Origins and History
One of the oldest colonies in the quadrant, and an early gain by the Earth Empire.
Also one of the earliest colonies invested in by Lexcorp, where many of the corporations future policies on developing new colonies were field tested.
In 3197 the colony world was attacked by Exterminators and destroyed.
Recent economic history
3196 Average
3197 Records lost
3198 to 3199 Uninhabited
3200 to 3207 Just Settled
3208 to 3211 Very Poor
3212 to 3213 Below Average
3213 to 3214 Average
3215 to 2120 Below Average
3221 to 3225 Average
Current Political Structure
The colony was re-populated in early 3200 by a number of groups, who struggled to establish a viable colony over many years. Ultimately the Imperial Frontier Colony (IFC) became the dominant economic centre and absorbed the other colonies, marking the begginning of a slow economic recovery.
The colony's democratic processes are modelled on the Earth Empire, with a First Citizen and a First Minister. There is a democratcic process, but in recent years the local politics have been dominated by the highly popular Imperialist Party led by a charismatic First Minister Alexi Zhang. Whilst under local electoral laws the First citizen cannot serve more than two 5-year terms, Citizen Zhang has been alternating between First Minister and First Citizen for more than 12 years now. He will step down as First Citizen at the end of 3225 and has announded an intention to run for First Minister in the current elections.
The Earth Planetary Governor, Lord Henry Fitzwilliam, is believed to have a 'good working relationship' with Zhang.
Opposition to the Zhang government is in the form of two main parties, the Colonist Alliance and the Liberal Freedom Party. Both of these parties have been implacted in anti-government protests and their members accused of terrorism and many arrested.
The 'Cyborg Crisis'
During the early 3220s, there was considerable anti-Transhumanists feeling - arguably whipped up by the ruling Imperialist Party, including some very violent 'anti-cyborg' riots. Local laws were passed restricting movement and employment of those with technological enhancements, and there were a number of unsolved murders involving transhumans.
The New Republic, itself built on pro-transhumanistic principles offered a 'safe haven' for oppressed transhumans, an offer that was taken up enthusiastically by the local government of 116AL, paying for many merchant ships to transport tens of thousands of actual and 'suspected' transhumans off-world and on to New Draconis. This was hugely popular on 116AL, despite opposition from more liberally minded policians.
The 'cyborg threat' continues to be a major part of local government rhetoric.
The Great Audit of 3226
During 3225 and 3226 increasingly xenophobic and repressive actions by the Zhang government, apparently aided and abetted by Governor Fitzwilliam led to a formal investigation by the Imperial Audit Office. This investigation found considerable shortcomings, and the colony was subjected to a Full Audit under Protocol 101. The Zhang government was dismantled, imprisoned opposition politicians freed and new elections organised under Earth Empire IAO supervision.
Under the reorganisation, four political parties emerged to contest the supervised elections held late in 3227:
The Empire First Party (TEF) - mainly composed of former Zhang loyalists and in favour of strong leadership.
Free Thinkers Party (FT)- composed of intellectuals and entrepreneurs with a primary interest in economic development.
Democracy & Freeedom Party (DAF) - composed of social radicals and former violent opponents of the Zhang regime
Colonial Growth and Equality Party (CGE) - mainly middle classes who support inclusive politics and environmental responsibility.
The 3227 Reformed Government
By the middle of 3227, under the guidance of the Imperial Audit Office, a new democratic local government was formed. The results of the closely supervised vote was:
The Empire First Party (TEF) 21%
Free Thinkers Party (FT) 13%
Democracy & Freeedom Party (DAF) 9%
Colonial Growth and Equality Party (CGE) 57%
The CG&E Party, as the clear majority party in the Congress of Deputies has formed a government:
Ines Rand First Minister
Dominick Kabble Secretary of Finance
Marcus Kinghead Minister for Planetside
Mathilde Hislop Minister for Trade & Diplomacy