Advanced Industrial Mechanics (AIM)

Corporate headquarters to 3215: Centaur, from 3216 Novo Q0

Main areas of operation : Technological integration. Technology Transfer, colonial support services

AIM Fusion Engineer in protective gear

AIM is an organization of scientists and their staff dedicated technological transfer and development in support of colonial development.
Its leadership traditionally consisted of the seven-member Board of Directors (formerly known as the AIM Council) with a rotating chairperson.

The organisation supplies a wide range of technologies to various organisations both to foster technological evolution. AIM personnel are closely involved in research, development, manufacturing, and sales of technology.
Members of the AIM senior management are required to at least have a Master's degree, if not a Ph.D, in some area of science, mathematics, or business.

According to public records, the current Board of Directors is:
Dr Clarissa Chen (Chair 3215)
Professor Patel
Dr Smith
Dr Jones
Dr De Jong
Dr Johnson
Professor Gonzalez
