Maleeha el-Basha

Colonal in the Sirius People's Army 2924-2932

Maleeha el-Basha is something of an historical icon in the Sirius Socialist Republic. Born on Sirius in 2882 to a family of First Colonists, she was active in anti-Earth politics from an early age the and story goes she was arrested, age 6 for throwing rocks at Earther COPS.

This activism was quickly put to good use by the Sirius resistance, and she quickly rose to a position of responsibily, commanding a Active Resistance Cell by the age of 18.

As resistance to Earth rule grew into a violent insurrection, el-Basha's tactical genius soon became famous as she had a talent for guile, subterfuge and ambush.

Many of her most famous escapades occured during her leadership of the notorious People's Assault Brigade from 2924-2932. She is particularly remembered and revered by citizens of Sirius for her ambush of the 13th GF Ground Force Division while it was conducting a punative expedition into the Lenin Mountains region of Sirius during the 5th Sirius Rebellion (2928). According to legend her 'brigade' (in fact probably only numbering in the hundreds of fighters) conducted an integrated serious of devastating ambushes which while not exactly destroying the Earther division caused such damage to its morale that it was withdrawn to Earth shortly afterards.

El-Basha has been the subject of hundreds of historical novels and films, as well as many military hisotrical studies.

She became something of an 'eminence gris' to Earth who spent over 50 years actively attempting to either assassinate or capture her. She died peacefully, in her bed, in Marx City in 2991.
