
Colony world in Quadrant 1. And original member of the Seven Worlds Defence Alliance (Later known as the Free Worlds Alliance).

The Planetary Colonial Parliament is made up of representatives elected from the various regional councils. No political parties as such, each regional council has its own, mainly local, concerns. Tends to be inward-looking and the colony has always workedg hard to develop its economy further.

In 3212 Damper become one of the found members of the Federated Worlds of the Outer Quadrants (FWOQ).

In 3207 the First Speaker was Thaddeus Pennachio. Having successfully campaigned in the planetary referendum on membership of FWOQ Pennachio left local politics in 3212 to become more involved in the newly-formed Federation. By 3226 he had become the Federation's Secretary of State having responsibility for relations with other polities.
