
Current thinking, with a degree of empirical evidence, is that our universe is bordered by an unknown number of 'parallel' universes, known colloquially, and now scietifically, as 'Dimensions'.

Transdimensional theory has been primarily furthered by the work of Professor Matik of the University of Marque and the late Professor Wiseman of Evangelou Polytechnic.

Transdimensional Travel

There have been many efforts to develop a reliable trans-dimensional transit system to allow intentional and controlled movement between dimensions.

To date this has proved to be impossible.

The process of transiting physically between dimensions has so far only been achieved accidentally and never in an intentional and controlled way.

Universe B

Archeologists have theorised that the Forerunners may have had access to the technology to travel inter-dimensionally, evidenced by the putative existence of Forerunner regression colonies encountered during an accidental incursion by Earther military units into 'Universe B' (scientific designation: Dimension 3199-X-EN-17).

The Evangelou Incident had a number of humans (including ex-Prime Minister Young of the Wolf359 Commonwealth) drawn into, and trapped within, another dimension that might have been consistent with 'Universe B'. However, in return for assistance to return to human space, an agreement was reached with the inhabitants of that Universe that humanity would never again visit that dimension.

Universe V

A transdimensional incursion into human space occurred at Gorilla in Q0, by a species known only as 'The Visitors' in 3204. There have been two known incursions into human space from this species, both at Gorilla. The Scientific Designation for Universe V (Visitors) is Dimension 3204-X-GC-10


Dimension--year discovered-Xternal/Internal-discoverer-number for year and quadrant

See also
Universe A | Universe B | Universe H | Universe N | Universe R | Universe V | Universe W
