Draconian 'Empire'

The Draconian colony was a single breakaway world, in the system of Draconis in Quadrant 7, inhabited by an astonishingly arrogant culture.
The bulk of the population used cyborg technology to an unprecedented degree - where the rest of the universe prefer techniques of human genetic engineering to achieve near perfect humanity, the Draconians believed that only in partnership with machines can humanity reach its peak. These extreme Transhumanists never managed to make their dream work very well.

Following a punative expedition by the Earth Empire in 3199 (Operation Tinkerbell), the leadership of the Empire was decapitated, and there followed many years of political infighting and violence.

By 3204 the colony had failed as a result of this infighting and warfare - thus bringing the Draconian 'Empire' to an end.

Some of the survivors went on to become more integrated citizens in the colony of New Draconis (also in Quadrant 7).

The Draconis system was re-colonised shortly after the failure. Talk of 'The Draconian Empire' became muted as many transhumans in the colony regarded it as a bit of a 'blip'.

That said, Draconis does have a very high proportion of transhumans (the highest in human space) in its population and is known for it robust frontier attitudes. Many of the military of the New Republic come from Draconis.
Over the last decade or so, pareticulalr following accusations of 'Transhuman Cleansing' levelled at the Earthers, a more strident Transhuman Rights movement has been bubbling under on Draconis.
Of course, now as a key member of the New Republic, with former Draconisans represented in the Cabinet and a positive attitude from the Republican Government towards defending the rights of Transhumans, Draconis has seen itself as an exemplar of what the New Republic might become.

The local Government on Draconis is based on a Planetary Diet and an Colonial Council, elected every 6 years.

In 3228 the chair of the colonial council was Arthur Duo, elected on a very slim majority.
