Political Parties In The Earth Empire
Several political parties exist in the Empire, but to a large degree they exist as unstructured groups with like interests.
The main political party, and the one with the most formal organisation is the Imperial Party (IP). Just over 45% of the Senate and 25% of the Representatives are members of this party which tends to be conservative in nature and supprts the guiding principles of Imperial rule. The IP supports a strong military and a policy of gradual natural expansion.
Earth Empire
Solar Republic
The Citizens party (CP)
A powerful group within the CoR (20%), and a significant number of Senators (15%). The CP is a liberal party pushing for greater benefits for the devolved governments of the many colony worlds.
The CP tends to push for less Imperial interference, greater freedom of trade, and defence cuts. This party has been maginalised in debates in recent years since the start of the Exterminator War, but it continues to have a core number of vocal members who still call for military cut-backs and greater investment in the quadrants.
The Republican Party (RP)
Aka the Party of the Solar Republic has supporters in about 10% of the CoR and 5% of the Senate. This party has declined greatly in recent years, losing strength to the CP and the "Populists".
Many Senior Citizens were once members of this party which called for a formal re-establishment of the Republic, and increased expenditure on new colonisation. This party has also long called for the expansion of the economy and the moderate reduction of standards of living to support massive military growth. This party has stood solidly behind Lee Zhang's administration despite the fact that he is a member of the IP.
The Radical Party (RAP)
This once minority party - 10% of the COR and 10% of the COS advocates the crushing of the Venerian Republic (the Rebels as they know them), and its reintegration into the Empire. Considered by many to be a splinter group of the RP, the two parties actually despise on another.
Populist Party (PP). This is not strictly a party but a broad group of Senators (15%) and Representatives (20%) who follow the trends of public opinion, and often pick up on the ideas generated by many of the smaller lobby groups.
In addition to the political parties, the Corporations form very effective lobby groups, with some 90% of the Senate and 45% of the Representatives having at least one Corporate sponsor whose views they represent in the Councils. There are dozens of smaller lobby groups, including those for various religions, and in some cases those pushing certain Quadrant issues.