Colony world in Quadrant 7
Colonial Groups
There are 5 colonial groups on the planet
God's Bay Colony (Technocracy - initial investment from Wimpey Fergusson (Wolf) Ltd)
Advanced Progressive Community (Founder-led dictatorship - initial investment from Advanced Industrial Mechanics) Led by President Frank Von Hell, known by many as the 'Dear Leader'
Best Mountain Combine (Limited Democracy - initial investment from Advanced Industrial Mechanics)
Renewed Expansion Colony (Limited Democracy - initial investment from Wimpey-Fergusson Corporation)
New River Colony (Corporate Oligarchy - initial investment from Rossum's Universal Robots)
There are 3 major religions:
The Enlightened Temple of Eldan
Recent Events
In late 3230 there were border skirmishes between the Best Mountain Combine and the Renewed Expansion Colony over disputed mining rights.
In 3234 there was a coup against President Frank Von Hell of the Advanced Progressive Community. Shortly after Von Hell was able to stage a successful counter-coup and restore his regime. In 3235 a number of New Republic citizens were arrested by the Von Hell regime having allegedly been part of the coup. The accused were sentenced to death, but freed by a raid by unidentified off-word forces. Von Hell's narrative of 'off world Powers are attacking us' is thought to have been given new credibility as a result.