
The colloquial name given to a approximately humanoid species that colonized a volume of space roughly coincident with that of human space, but tens of thousands of years before mankind. Until recently, only scanty archeological evidence remained of their presence.

IN 3212, a major find was made as a result of research conducted under the auspices of the International Forerunner Foundation, an unmarked world, later known as Mystery, which turned out to be one of the original Forerunner Homeworlds. Shortly after this historic find, two more homeworlds were located nearby.

Mystery quickly became the most important site for Forerunner Archeology, and work virtually ceased on all the more minor sites across human space as Mystery represented the greatest single source of materials - probably a thousand times bigger than every forerunner find ever uncovered throughout human space put together.

Unfortunately the entire planet was destroyed following an incident involving an untethered singularity in 3221.

Destruction of Mystery (Q0)

A process, initialed by a suspected Forerunner Artificial Intelligence AI and using technology unknown to human science, resulted in the complete destruction of the planet Mystery-C. The robot observation stations’ recordings show the entire planet imploding and ‘vanishing’, followed by a vast gravitic pulse that propagated through the system, out to the M25 and beyond. This was of such force that all the observation stations were destroyed. Post-Event investigations have shown that the ‘Gravity Tsunami’ as its being called has radically destabilised the entire system, and all the major planets orbits have been materially affected, three inner planets are expected to fall into the star at some point over the next 80-100 years, and one outer planet has been thrown out of the star’s gravity well altogether. The star itself is showing signs of instability and already at least one vast solar flare has been detected. It is widely believed that the system is no longer safe to visit, at least until the effects have stabilised. Astrophysicists say it might be a century or more before they can fully determine the long term effects on the system of the Mystery Gravity Tsunami. The gravitic pulse effect (which propagated at approximately the speed of light) had attenuated to a level that is virtually undetectable at around 0.5 parsecs from the system by 3223.
