MDF Academic Institutions
The one defining feature of the Maldentite Democratic Foundation (MDF) is the primacy of its academic institutions. The following list of the 'big six' major institutions that dominate the MDF politically, economically and socially. It is estimated that 78% of the population of Mald worlds are in some way directly connected to one or more of these bodies. All of these major organisations predate the formation of the MDF as a recognised political entity.
Mald Research Foundation
Founded 2830
The premier and most prestigious research body in the Universe - it not only conducts academic study but funds worthwhile research throughout the universe. This is also the most influential body in Mald politics. Located on Foundation.
Mald School of Economics
Founded 2916
Dedicated to understanding the politico-economic life of the universe.
The Humanity Foundation
Founded 2867
Foremost in it's study of humanity, particularly from historical, anthropological, sociological and psychological perspectives. Based on Great Spirit, this foundation is also the home of the famous Interstellar Psycohistory Institute and has within its campus the prestigious University of Applied Psychosynthesis.
University of Great Spirit
Founded 2903
The greatest and most respected centre for educational theory and practice - understanding education and teaching teachers and mentors. Located on Great Spirit.
The Mald Institute
Founded 2861
A major patron of the arts - not only in its famous Great Gallery on Lonley, but through sponsorship of artists and minor galleries throughout human space it ensures that the creative spirit of humanity is nurtured and developed.
Semaj Institute of Science & Technology
Founded 2891
Named after the 'inventor' of the first superluminal vessel, this institute creates excellence in the technical field. Not only does it ensure that technicians from all over human space are properly taught - but it maintains the greatest museum and archive of science and technology in the universe, on Doitall.