
Colony world in Quadrant 8

Economic levels

3221 : Poor
3222 : Poor

Political Structure
There are two main political groupings on Padmasambnava, The Tiger's Nest Colony and the Trident Colony.

The Tiger's Nest is a strongly religious Zoroastrian community which although having some democratic processes, does not practice universal suffracge in its election process (registration of non-Zoroastrians is made difficult). Funding an initial set-up for this colony came from the Phokon Teryll corporation.

The Trident Colony is not strongly religious, but does have a majority of worshippers of the Universal Church. The colony was supported, at the time of its foundation, by Wimpey-Fergusson(Wolf) Ltd.


Religious tensions exist between the two colonies, as well as serious rivalty over competition for the most comfortable habitable regions fo the world.
