Quadrant Four Liberation Organization
This is a self-styled 'resistance' movement that is opposed to the current Government of the Venerian Republic in Quadrant 0.
Politically conservative, they believe that the late President Heinlein was 'removed' by anti-Republican forces for sinister motives. They are largely nostalgic for a past that might not have actually existed.
Unfortunately, not long after their foundation the Organisation was declared illegal and its founders and supporters arrested for subversive activities and treason against the State.
Charter of the Quadrant Four Liberation Organization
Article 1
The people of the Republic of New Venus colonies in Quadrant Four had entirely legitimate aspirations for greater autonomy for their worlds, aspirations supported by President Heinlein and Governor Kacperek.
Article 2
To prevent the colonies of Quadrant Four from receiving increased autonomy, the Kudriavy thug regime assassinated President Heinlein, kidnapped Governor Kacperek and used massive force to crush peaceful demonstrators. Therefore, in light of the brutality and illegal seizure of power of the illegitimate Kudriavy thug regime, the people of Quadrant Four no longer owe any loyalty or obedience to the Republic of New Venus, and ought to be a free and independent state.
Article 3
To respect the memory and legacy of the martyred President Heinlein, the now independent ex-RNV worlds of Quadrant Four shall be known as the “Republic of Heinlein.”
Article 4
The people of the Republic of Heinlein posses the legal rights to their worlds, which are all the colony world in Quadrant Four currently occupied by the D’Kanta puppet regime, and self-determination, entirely of their own will.
Article 5
The eight worlds of the Republic of Heinlein form an indivisible territorial unit.
Article 6
Notwithstanding their Venerian heritage, Heinleinians have a unique cultural and political identity. Those Heinleinians who fled Quadrant Four to escape the brutality of the illegitimate Kudriavy regime are still Heinleinians. The children of those Heinleinians are still Heinleinians.
Article 7
The rule of the Kudriavy regime is entirely illegal. It is based on an illegal seizure of power by the assassination of the independence-loving President Heinlein, and maintained in power only by crushing the rights of the Heinleinian and Venerian people. Kudriavy is an assassin and war criminal.
Article 8
The D’Kanta puppet regime is entirely illegal. It was installed through the kidnapping of Governor Kacperek. It is based on a small clique of Heinleinian quislings backed by foreign troops, and has no support or legitimacy from the Heinleinian people. It rules through murder and an illegal police state apparatus. Its rule is contrary to the will of the Heinleinian people and the principle of self-determination. Kristal D’Kanta is a quisling and traitor to the Republic of Heinlein.
Article 9
It is the duty of all Heinleinians to resist the illegal Kudriavy police state and its enforcer in the occupied Republic of Heinlein, the D'Kanta puppet regime.
Article 10
The primary goal of the Heinleinian people is the liberation of the Republic of Heinlein. Thus the conflicts among the Heinleinian national forces are secondary, and should be ended for the sake of the basic conflict that exists between the forces of totalitarianism and of colonialism on the one hand, and the freedom loving Heinleinian people on the other. On this basis the Heinleinian people constitute one united front working for the liberation of the Republic of Heinlein.
Article 11
The motto of the Heinleinian people is liberation.
Article 12
The Heinleinian people believe in Human unity towards the defeat of alien menaces. In order to contribute their share toward the war against aliens, the Republic of Heinlein must first be liberated. Therefore, all peoples who support the war against the aliens ought to support the Republic of Heinlein.
Article 13
The liberation of the Republic of Heinlein, from a human point of view, will restore to the Heinleinian individual his dignity, pride, and freedom. Accordingly, the Heinleinian people look forward to the support of all people and governments who believe in the dignity of man and his freedom in the galaxy.
Article 14
The liberation of the Republic of Heinlein, from an international point of view, is a defensive action necessitated by the demands of self-defense against RNV aggression. Accordingly, the Heinleinian people, desirous as they are of the friendship of all people, look to freedom-loving and peace-loving states for support in order to restore their legitimate rights on their worlds, to re-establish peace and security in the Republic of Heinlein, and to enable its people to exercise national sovereignty and freedom.
Article 15
The Heinleinian people, led by the Quadrant Four Liberation Origination, must embark on campaigns of armed resistance and non-violent resistance to liberate the occupied Republic of Heinlein. The Q4LO favors a peaceful liberation of the Republic of Heinlein, but violent resistance is a legitimate response to the brutality of the war criminal Kudriavy. The Heinlein people are absolutely determined to liberate their homeland, and assert their right to self determination and sovereignty over their homeland.
Article 16
All Heinleinians should lend their lives, health and wealth to the cause of the liberation of the Republic of Heinlein.
Article 17
The Quadrant Four Liberation Organization shall cooperate with all friendly states that seek the liberation of the Republic of Heinlein.
Article 18
Peace deals with the Kudriavy regime including a limited degree of autonomy, or liberation of some of the worlds of the Republic of Heinlein, may be accepted by the Quadrant Four Liberation Organization, but the goal of the Heinleinian people shall remain the total independence of all Heinleinian worlds.
Article 19
The Quadrant Four Liberation Organization insists on the release of all Heinleinian political prisoners held by the Kudriavy police state, especially the hero Governor Kacperek.
Article 20
Under Kudriavy, the Republic of New Venus has become antagonistic to freedom and human rights. It is fascistic in nature, brutal in means and tyrannical in aims. It has suppressed the rights of the Heinleinians. It is the enemy of all freedom loving people. Therefore, the liberation of the Republic of Heinlein will contribute to the peace of Quadrant Four, and the Heinleinian people look to all peaceful forces in the galaxy for help and urge them to offer all possible support to the Quadrant Four Liberation Organization in the struggle for the liberation of the Republic of Heinlein.
Article 21
The demand of security and peace, as well as the demand of right and justice, require all states to consider the Kudriavy regime an illegitimate government.
Article 22
The demands of justice require that the D’Kanta regime be treated by all nations as the illegitimate puppet regime that it is, and not the true government of the Republic of Heinlein.
Article 23
All Venerians who love peace, freedom and justice ought to reject the Kudriavy regime and support the liberation of the Republic of Heinlein.
Article 24
The Heinleinian people believe in the principles of justice, freedom, sovereignty, self-determination, human dignity, and the right of peoples to exercise them.
Article 25
For the realization of the goals of this Charter and its principles, the Quadrant Four Liberation Organization will perform its role in the liberation of the Republic of Heinlein.
Article 26
The Quadrant Four Liberation Organization, the representative of the Heinleinian revolutionary forces, is responsible for the Heinleinian peoples movement in its struggle- to retrieve its homeland, liberate it and exercise the right to self-determination in it- in all military, political, and financial fields and also for whatever may be required by the Heinleinian cause on international levels.
Article 27
The struggle against alien threats and the struggle for the liberation of the Republic of Heinlein are not mutually exclusive.
Article 28
The Heinleinian people assert the genuineness and independence of their struggle for freedom.
Article 29
The Heinleinian people possess the fundamental and genuine legal right to liberate and retrieve their homeland. The Heinleinian people determine their attitude toward all states and forces on the basis of the stands they adopt vis-à-vis the Heinleinian struggle for freedom and self-determination.
Article 30
Even if the Kudriavy should be replaced as the leader of the Republic of New Venus, his brutal reign has broken all ties political ties between the Republic of Heinlein and the Republic of New Venus, and they shall not be united.
Article 31
The Republic of Heinlein shall have an oath of allegiance and an anthem. These shall be decided upon in accordance with a special law. The Republic of Heinlein shall have a flag, to be a four pointed grey star, representing Quadrant Four, and eight five pointed grey stars, representing the worlds of the Republic of Heinlein. The background shall be black, representing the dark Venerian past of the Republic of Heinlein. This flag shall also be the flag of the Quadrant Four Liberation Organization.
Article 32
A law, known as the Basic Statute of the Quadrant Four Liberation Organization, shall be annexed to this Charter. It will lay down the manner in which the Organization, and its organs and institutions, shall be constituted; the respective competence of each; and the requirements of its obligation under the Charter.
Article 33
Subsequent to its creation, the Quadrant Four Liberation shall elect a President of the Republic of Heinlein in exile for a five year term, and he shall not be reeligible. The President of the RHE shall appoint a Foreign Minister, Minister of Defense and Resistance, and a Minister of the Treasury. The President of the RHE shall be the head of the Quadrant Four Liberation Organization. Each five years, a new President of the RHE shall be elected until the Republic of Heinlein shall be liberated and a free and fair election can be held among its people.
Article 34
This Charter shall not be amended save by vote of a majority of two-thirds of the total membership of the National Council of the Republic of Heinlein taken at a special session convened for that purpose.
Having agreed to the above articles, we recommit ourselves to the struggle for the freedom of the Republic of Heinlein.