Composition Of RExCom
Leadership of the Venerian Republic
Until around 3205, the committee was dominated by the charismatic President Heinlein (currently missing, lost in space) who was a driving force in the 3190s for the growth and development of the RNV into a major interstellar power.
RExCom Composition 3230
Ex-officio Chairmain of RExCom President Andrei Kudriavy
Civil Service Members
Deputy President of the Venerian Republic & Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister of Information Misalova Stella Danilovna
Minister for the Military & Chief of the Venerian Naval Staff Admiral Erika von Danikin
Minister for the Interior & Moral Affairs
Minister of Finance Gibazov Olegovich
Minister for Agriculture & Trade Han Fei Tzu
Quadrant Representatives
Quadrant 0 Robert Merta
Quadrant 1 Tetyana Yeremenko
Quadrant 2 Xing Liuxian
Quadrant 3 Issa Shadid
Quadrant 4 Apalkova Olegovna
Quadrant 5 Monifa Koury
Quadrant 6 Ivan Baran
Quadrant 7 Zhong Hanying
Quadrant 8 Katarzyna Krysiak
Occupational Representatives
Dino Rancher from Celeste (Q1) - Delmar Ellis
Masseuse from Goof Ball (Q8) - Izabela Krejčová
Police officer from Merry Widow (AH) - Yoshikawa Ane
Window CLeaner from Lassie (Q4) - Michael Hamilton Muggeridge
Belter from Garibaldi (Q3) - Hao Meng