Social Options For Todays Young faction of DAFT


The DAFT Manifesto For A Brighter Future For Humanity
(written by the the Social Options For Today's Young faction of DAFT)

Recent years have seen huge upheavals, destruction of entire systems, erosion
of yet more of our 'rights' in the name of 'security', increases in unemployment
and poverty, an increase in heavy industry, destroying our environments.

And who has been in charge all this time? Yes, the 'Super Men'. The 'ideals'. The 'perfects'. And where has that got us? Are we better off with these people in charge? Look around you. Are you better off or worse?

Our governments 'claim' to be working for the interests of all, but this is
obviously not the case. Who has the best jobs? Who gets promoted first? Not
the normals. Not the vast mass of humanity. No, we are kept in our place. Slave
labour for use by the 'perfects', so they don't have to do the 'dirty' or
'unpleasant jobs' that really keep the universe going.

How can we expect the current political approach which has been contributing
towards this mess to provide the solution? Why would 'perfects' give up
their power over us? No, to gain a fairer more just society, we need to take
back what was ours to begin with.

This Manifesto will explain what we see as wrong with the political system of
every nation and what needs to be done to change it.

The dream of a peaceful and united human space, free from internecine
wars with equality for all, has inspired many people over the years. That
dream has not been realised. We have little freedom or equality and we have had
constant war for almost a decade.

Even now, that there hasn't been an attack for over a year, the 'perfects' still
keep us subjugated and still talk of the 'threat'. These are LIES! They are designed to keep us quiet and obedient to our masters.

The government supplied by the 'perfects' is:

  • Harmful to normals
  • Undemocratic
  • Militaristic
  • Pro-nuclear
  • Bureaucratic

In these respects the policies of the 'perfects' are in direct conflict with the aims of humanity as a whole.

Harmful to normals

All polity governments are promoting the economic expansion of their worlds
for the benefit of the 'perfect' populations. This expansion is often at the
expense of 'normals' who are forcibly relocated or used as effective slave
labour to 'improve' these worlds.
Normals are also bared from benefiting from the fruits of their labours, by
not being allowed to own property or take good jobs. Normals do the work and
then 'perfects' move in and receive the advantages that our graft has created!


All the governments of human space are directly elected in some form, but
it is structurally impossible for the true interests of the peoples of Humanity
to be represented by them.
This is because 'normals' are poorly represented in these bodies. In some polities they are bared from standing for office! How can this be FAIR? The majority of the population ruled by an elite that don't even understand what it's like to live as a normal.

Militarism and Disarmament

Human space today is heavily armed. The Exterminator war is over. But,
instead of dis-arming and using these freed funds to help the
people, the REAL people, you and me, our governments are planning new
'modernisations' in nuclear, chemical and conventional weapons, and they are
increasing their military co-operation.

Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons used to be restricted by treaty, but the Exterminator war has
seen the abandoning of this and a huge increase in the production and use of
these weapons.
We ask how long will it be before the mighty 'perfect' armies, scared of our numbers and our voice turn these massed weapons on us? What do they care if millions of normals die, providing their nice safe world carries on? Why do you think the independents were left to die? Because they were not 'perfect'. Notice how quick the major powers are to defend their 'perfect' worlds.


Our governments consist of inflated bureaucracy, are costly, difficult to understand, unchecked by any real democratic control and riddled by fraud on a massive scale.
And we should point out, it is YOUR taxes that these 'perfects' are wasting and pocketing.
Is it any surprise that all 'perfects' are so well off? They are skimming money that should be going to feeding our children and running hospitals that should be helping our children.
Instead they are closing hospitals and food centres for 'lack of funds'. They want us and our children to starve, so that they can carry on living the life of luxury.

Things are changing for the worse

Lot's of new trade treaties are being drawn up. Most of the benefits of these
will go to 'perfects', but the costs will fall on ordinary people in the
economically more vulnerable regions.

As a consequence of the introduction of these treaties:

  • It will become even more difficult than at present to achieve any demo-

cratic control over our economies for the benefit of normals.

  • Economic change will accelerate, leading to further huge job losses.

The poverty of us normals will increase.

  • The social and environmental costs of these treaties will far outweigh any

economic benefits that will go to the normals, and we oppose them unequivocally.

Our vision

We are aiming for a truly democratic human society with justice and equal rights
for normals and 'perfects'.

However, this will never be achieved unless the peoples of humanity gain more
control over their lives through new political institutions and wrest that
control away from 'perfects'.

They will never give up their power freely though. This is why we propose direct action.
Direct action does not have to involve violence. Have you noticed that those who
accuse us of violence are always 'perfects'?

We admit that sometimes a violent act is required and may be required in the future to get governments to listen to us.

And yes, if direct action fails, then more drastic actions may be required in future.

But we hope that it won't come to that. We hope the 'perfects' really are perfect and will see that their positions as 'masters of humanity' can not be continued indefinitely without bloodshed.

We wish a 'velvet revolution', but we are prepared and willing to do what it takes to get justice for all.

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