Typical Heavy Cruiser

Technical Information

Typical Mass : 42,000 tonnes
Primary Power Source : Fusion Generator
Secondary Power Source : 2 x Turbo-Fission Generators
Main Thrust Units : 8 x plasma thrusters.
Reaction Mass Capacity : 100 tonnes
Maximum safe acceleration : 15 m/s/s

Time between minor refits : 4 standard years Time between major refits : 8 standard years

Layout Five main operational decks, plus a shuttle bay deck and three standard cargo pod docking ports.


Command Team
Commanding Officer: CAPTAIN
Executive officer: Commander
Ships Purser: Lieutenant
Marine Contingent Commander: Lieutenant Colonel of Marines

Chief Astronaut Commander
Assistant Chief Astronaut: Lieutenant Commander
Senior Astronaut: Lieutenant
Astronauts: Astronaut x12
Software Tech: SofTech x3
Comms Officer: Lieutenant
ComCen Staff: Comms specialists x5

Chief Power Engineer: Commander
Assistant Chief Power Engineer: Lieutenant Commander
Engineer Officer: Lieutenant
Power Engineers: Engineers x12
HSD Technicians: HSDTechs x6

Senior Operations Officer: Commander
Ops Officer: Lieutenant Commander
Assistant Ops Officer: Lieutenant
Ops Room Staff: Spacecrew x6
Pacifier Ops Officer: Lieutenant
Pacifier Pilots: Ensign x2
Pacifier Tech: Technicians x3
Chief Weapons Technical Officer: Lieutenant
Ship's Weapons Technicians: Technicians x12
Chief Armourer: Chief petty officer
Armourer: Armourer
Chief Robot Tech: CPO
Robot Tech: Robot tech

Ships Doctor: Lieutenant Commander / Doctor
Chief Medic: CPO Medic
Medics: Medic x9
Chief Maintenance Officer: Lieutenant Commander
Maintenance Officer: Lieutenant
Ship's Maintenance Crew: Spacecrew x18
Chief Damage Control Officer: Lieutenant
Damage Control Crew: Spacecrew x9
Recovery robots x6
Nutrition Department: Lieutenant
Nutritional Operatives: Sapcecrew x9

Starship Marines
Marine officers x18
Marine other ranks x88
Marine Robots (all types) x76
Navy Personnel (40 Officers + 130 other ranks) 166
Marine Personnel (18 Officers + 88 other ranks) 105
Robots (all types) 82


Organised into 6 x 4 hour watches : Alpha / Beta / Gamma / DeLieutenanta / Epsilon / Zeta Watches.
Most crew work for 2 watches at a time, overlapping double watches to provide continuity.


Primary Armament
2 x PAD : Sponson 100 degree traverse mountedForward-Firing (FPAD)
2 x HELL : Sponson 100 degree traverse mounted, aft-Firing (AHELL)
4 x HELL : Sponson 100 degree traverse mounted, forward arc firing.

Secondary Armament
Forward Heavy Cannon Battery (x3) (FHCB)
Aft Heavy Cannon Battery (x3)
Forward Multi-Cannon (FMC)
Aft Multi-Cannon (AMC)
Port Multi-Cannon (PMC)
Starboard Multi-Cannon (SMC)
2 x Starboard Seeker Missile Launcher : 12 missiles (SSML)
2 x Port Seeker Missile Launcher : 12 missiles (PSML)
Defensive Systems Port Chaff Launcher (20 units of chaff) (PCL)
Starboard Chaff Launcher (20 units of Chaff) (SCL)
Port Flare Dispenser (20 flares) (PFD)
Starboard Flare Dispenser (20 flares) (SFD)

Ship's Operations

Damage Control crew use modified non-combat versions of Marine armour and know how to use them. This armour has additional tool and spares racks and no weaponry.

In battle, marines assist with damage control and casuaLieutenanty management, as well as dealing with security.
All internal security is deaLieutenant with by Marine detachments, drawn from designated personnel. No red T-shirts are issued to crew.
Marine guard watches are organised by the Senior Marine Officer, in consuLieutenantation with the Captain.

Two Attack Pacifiers are carried as standard equipment. These are carried clamped to the dorsal hull when in transit, and are equipped and maintained through the shuttle bay.
They do not have automatic launch/recovery systems, so are only useful if the ship has some warning of action.
Their main function is as an escort for the ship's shuttles and reconnaissance.

Three Shuttle craft are carried. These are clamped on the dorsal surface when in transit.
There are three types (one of each):

a. Jolly Boat. Atmosphere-capable. Capacity 8 (can be stored in the shuttle bay if necessary)

b. Light Shuttle. Atmosphere-capable. Capacity 12 (can be stored in the shuttle bay if necessary).

c. Cargo Shuttle. Atmosphere-capable. Capacity 40. This cannot enter the shuttle bay. Loading has to be via the shuttle bay doors. Cargo Shuttle is also used extensively by the Marines for ship to ship boarding.

Shuttle and Pacifier docking is normally carried out at zero (or very low) acceleration by the mother ship (since otherwise the Pacifier would have to dock with the shuttle bay making a 1g burn - which would damage the paintwork and annoy the Captain).

Inter-deck transit. The interdeck companionways have ladders in them for use when underway. Lifts are not fitted since it is regarded essential exercise for the crew to climb up and down ladders. When significant cargo movement or maintenance has to be done, then the ship reduces acceleration or ceases to accelerate aLieutenantogether, to allow zero-g manoeuvring of large or massive objects between decks.

Escape Pods: These can eject and carry basic life support and transmitters. Each pod has a supply of drugs that put the user to sleep and slow life functions to conserve energy.
Each pod can accommodate 6 people (4 if in armour), or 10 in some discomfort. There are insufficient pods for the whole crew (maximum capacity 160).
The assumption is that the shuttles will carry some, and the Marines' armour can keep them alive in space independently for quite a while anyway.
Unofficially, the view is that this isn't exactly a passenger liner, and if the crew had to abandon ship, many of them would be dead or dying anyway, so there would be less need for escape pods (which are expensive and take up room).

Ship's Weapons

All weapon systems are in automated and externally mounted pods. Reloads of chaff/missiles or cannon ammo in action are not practicable, since this usually involves an EVA mission to remove the appropriate ammo unit and replace it with a new one. That said, ships the size of the Aggie rarely expend all their secondary ammunition before the battle is decided one way or the other by the primary weapons, the DEWs or by Pacifier attacks.

DEWs don't need reloads, since they are recharged directly by ship's power.

Navy Supplies and Equipment

Standard Daily Space Ration Equivalents : 108,400
Repair and Maintenance Points : 2,000
Standard Space Suits : 200
Space Armour (Unarmed Navy Version): 24
SCA1 : 200
Survival Suits (fitted in niches in each room): 400
Pacifier Multi-Cannon Ammo : 10 reloads
Chaff : 2 reload units (each of 20)
Flares: 2 reload units (each of 20)
Ship Multi-Cannon reload pods : 40 reloads (each with 40 bursts pre-loaded)
Seeker Missiles : 4 reload units (each with 12 missiles)
Nuclear warheads (missile-capable): 12 (peacetime, doubled in conflict).
The Marine Regiment has its own supplies and warlike stores, listed separately.
