
Colony world Quadrant 7

System Data

M25 Limit : 28 AU
Planets : 10
Asteroids : 1 asteroid belt

Recent Economic Data

3205 Uninhabited
3206 Just Settled
3207 - 3208 Subsistence
3209 - 3212 Very Poor
3213 - 3218 Poor
3219 - 3226 Very Poor

Colonial Groupings

There are three main colonial groupings:

The Northern Kingdom

Head of State Queen Hasseldine II
Main religions Buddhism and Church of Difficult Saints.
One investing corporation, Barnaby Orbital Industries.

Colony 419

Colony Executive Committee Chair Raynor X Catuvellauni
Corporate Oligarchy
Main religions are Satanism, New Davidians and First Church of Earth.
Main investors are Rolls Royce Interstellar (Luna) Ltd, Talyn Weaponry and Synthomesh.

Democratic Colony 19

First Minister Harrison Chen
Limited Democracy
Main religions Islam and Buddhism.
Main investors are Barnaby Orbital Industries, Jaromir Industries, and Ratanakosyn.
