
Independent colony world in Quadrant 7

In 3214 the world had four main colonial groupings, the Democratic Authority in the West (DATW), the Sunshine Colony, the Northern Corporate Conglomerate and the Woodstock People's Colony.

The total GDP of the planet - including all colonies - is estimated at around 21 trillion credits.
This is broken down as follows (estimates based on 3226 figures).

9.4 Tn Credits Democratic Authority in the West (DATW)
6.3 Tn Credits Sunshine Colony
3.1 Tn Credits Northern Corporate Conglomerate
2.0 Tn Credits Woodstock People's Colony
0.2 Tn Credits Y17 Station Port Management Company

Populations (from last census 3215)
1.4 million Democratic Authority in the West (DATW)
0.9 million Sunshine Colony
0.6 million Northern Corporate Conglomerate
0.7 million Woodstock People's Colony
0.01 million Y17 Station Port Management Company

Economic History

3189 to 3199 - JUST SETTLED
3199 to 3218 - SUBSISTENCE
3218 to 3219 - VERY POOR
3220 to 3225 - POOR COLONY
3226 to present - BELOW AVERAGE

Democratic Authority in the West

The DATW has had a number of internal problems over the years, and there has been considerable internecine violence. This was kept under control by the 'stongman' Chairman of the Authority, Anwar Chiang. Chiang kept a strong hold on the colony, and there were many disappearances and hundreds of political prisoners were in prison. The Authority had no plans for elections.
There have been no elections for since 3205, and the so-called 'Council of Representatives' was composed entirely of Chiang supporters.

In 3229 the Chiang regime attempted to bolster what seemed to be flagging support by conducting a political campaign against 'offworlders' including summary arrests and show trials.
This activity involved arresting a number of citizens of other polities, which provoked military operations that toppled the Chiang government and brought about the death of Anwar Chiang in a planetary bombardment by the GFA Navy.

Civil War

By early 3230 the DATW had dissolved into civil war between armed factions.
Principle factions fighting for control of the capital Amicus included the
- Capital Military Council
- Lightning Strike Brigade
- Interior Ministry

In the rest of the colony, armed groups (and their centre of operations) include
- National Provisional Council (Drang City)
- Brigade 99 (Aha Port)
- Humanity 2.0 Resistance, allegedly supported by offworld Mercenaries (Doovay region)
- Digdig Brigades (DigDig)
- Revolutionary Brigades (Ahafo)

Fighting was suddenly brought to an end in late 3231 by direct military intervention from the Wolf359 Commonwealth who, together with diplomats from the SSR, RNV and GFA brokered a long term ceasefire and agreement to free elections in 3232 (under the Amicus Accord of 3231).
In the subsequent elections, General Mustar, commander of the Revolutionary Brigades was elected President under the new constitution.

New Goverment of the DATW 3232
President Dagmar Mustar
Deputy Presdent Jane Birch
Minister of War Hochi Jenkins
Interior Minister Ama Adamski
Foreign Minister Aki Faust

Northern Corporate Conglomerate

Primarily corporate run, with heavy investment from Nutrivend Corporation. Mainly interested in mining operations. The NCC Deployed troops onthe DATW border during the DATW Civil War, but there were very few incidents.

Sunshine Colony

Mainly composed of Wolfer colonists. It is a limited democracy - initial investment from Barnaby Orbital Industries). The primary religion is the Way of Enlightened Humanity, though there is a substantial Satanist minority.
It is governed by a Board of Alderfolk, and the chair in 3230 was Alder Briony Thinkpiece.

In 3231 the Board of Alderolk was comprised of:
Chair: Alder Briony Thinkpiece (since 3226) (Unity Party)
Deputy Chair: Alder Dagmar Raycraft (Growth Party)
Member for colony health and welfare: Alder Norbert Drogace (Unity Party)
Member for colony security: Alder Victor Cosmos (Growth Party)
Member for colony development: Alder Alfred Chard (Growth Party)
Member for agriculture and fisheries: Alder Lavada Keating (Unity Party)
Member for colony training and education: Alder Columbus Brown (Unity Party)
Board Secretariat: Alder Elda McKenzie (independent)

During the crisis of late 3229, the colonists increased their security expenditure and there were a number of border incidents with the DATW.
In late 3229, following the collapse of the Chiang regime in DATW, security forces of the Sunshine Colony, moved over the agreed boundary between the two colonies and established a 'protectorate' over the eastern mining region of DATW around the city of Piquet. The leadership of the sunshine colony announced that it would return control of this region once there was "...a stable and responsible government in the DATW"
The Sunshine colonies armed forces were increased to include three well-equipped mechanised brigades, and the support infrastructure was extensively modernised.

During the DATW civil war crisis, excellent relations were built up with the Wolf359 Commonwealth, who provided assistance to the colony in the form of a Ground Force Division.

Woodstock People's Colony

The Woodstock Peoples Colony an anarcho-syndicalist commune, founded in 3200 by the visionary Justinian Flowerchild.
This unique settlement is designed as a self-managed, cooperative society, where each member contributes to and has an equal say in the community's operations. Embracing principles of direct democracy and worker self-management, the colony operates without hierarchical structures. Its architecture and public spaces reflect its ethos, with communal living spaces, organic gardens, and art installations that celebrate peace, love, and freedom.
The colony's culture is deeply influenced by the arts, fostering a creative and inclusive environment for all residents.
It has no formal religions, but many colonists would tend to describe themselves as "followers of a non-dual path, man" (whatever than might mean).
