There had been rumours of a super-secret investigative body employed by the Martians to investigate USO, Space Ghosts and other supernatural phemomenon. Most rational observers regarded this as highly unlikely and almost certainly produced by the imaginings of Martian conspiracy theorists. Others suggested it was a piece of deliberate misinformation on the part of elements of the Martian intelligence community but there was no common view amongst this latter group as to what is actually being concealed.

More recent leaks from Martian sources indicate that the YY Files both less sinister and more interesting than the conspiracy theories suggest. Made up of a small group of peripatetic "free thinkers" (to some 'Cowboys and Weirdos') the YY Files teams are typically give considerable freedom of action and access to Martian state resources to pursue 'wicked problems' or issues that have stumped more conventional investigation teams. Reports of the success of these teams are mixed, one unattributable source said "...they always find something... just not always what they were sent to find..."
