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  Testimonials & AARs  

OPERATION Neptune's Trident (Percentage Q8)
Initial Mission Brief
AAR from Mission Director

IFU Blue Hope Mission (Z178)
Initial Invitation to Tender
Organisational briefing on Blue Hope Colony
Transit from Percentage to Z178
Operational Orders for OP RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE
Team R&R 'What We Did On Our Holidays'

Operations on Spuk
Mission for Buck Fast Foods

Operations on Insider III
First Report
Second Report
Third Report

Operation Bird's Nest
Tender and After Action Reports

Operation Lucifer's Hammer
OP Lucifer's Hammer AAR

IFU Mission 4 : Anti Pirate Operations - Lakshmi Station
Brief on the station
IFU Operational Log - 3205.279 - 3205.307
IFU Log - the 'Amazing Tales Incident'

IFU Mission 3 : Consultancy to Temple of Clewg, Goofball
Consultancy recommendations and actions

IFU Mission 2 : OPERATION SHEEPDOG (Deadwood) [no AARs to date]

IFU Mission 1 : OPERATION FUMIGATE (3205.013 - 3205.016)
Mission Brief
Phase 1 AAR - reasons to Be Cheerful
Phase 2 AAR - Final results

Prequel - The Bodyguards

Prior to forming IFU, many of the Directors worked for the Old Guard Corporation. Their last mission with that company was protecting the notorious Industrialist and Celebrity, Brigit Van Moisten. It was the failure of the Old Guard Corp to properly equip and brief them on this mission, plus the financial windfall of a bonus from Van Moisten herself that encouraged the Directors to resign shortly after this mission and form their own independent company - Interstellar Freelance Unlimited.

We have been able to extract some of the After Action reports from the director's personal diaries, and this gives an overview of the professionalism and crisis management skills of the IFU's finest.

Mission Brief
Guarding Van Moisten Day 1 and 2
Let them Eat Special Cake - Day 3
Bad Day at Blue Quarry - Day 6
Bloodbath at the House of Death - day 9
Testimonial from Brigit Van Moisten - some time later





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The Universe(of Starship Marine, Cruel Void and Hellfire) is © Jim Wallman 1996-2009. You may freely use this material in other games, works, websites etc for your personal entertainment - with appropriate credits as to authorship and copyright. It may not be resold or distributed with any publication for sale without the express permission of the copyright holder.