WOLF359 Commonwealth Non-Governmental Organisations

Wolf359 Commonwealth has a number of famous charities and other NGOs that are involved in many causes around human space. Most notable are:

The Royal Humanitarian Society

Led by Lady Judith Golightly, the RHS is involved in an number of humanitarian aid projects, particularly in war-ravaged systems seeking to rebuild their infrastructre and civil society.

The King's Fund

Funds non-for profit projects that further medical research, positive health outcomes for the poor and disadvantaged, or innovative public health initiatives.

KPGK Benevolent Fund

Sponsored by the KPGK and patronised by the current Wolfer Monarch, the KPGKBF funds good works and upholds Wolfer social values throughout human space.

The Young Youth Scheme

FOunded by Lord Young, this charity promotes outward bound character-building activities for young Wolfers from good families, who volunteer to help out in disadvantaged worlds with communities struggling to sustain themselves. Typical activities might include building schools or hospitals etc.
