
Federated Worlds of the Outer Quadrants

An independent polity based in Q1.

The FWOQ was formed in 3212 from the original members of the Free Worlds Alliance.

The First President is William Jackson - who was re-elected 4 times (in 3213, 3215, 3218 and 3221).

Now that the new fixed electoral cycles have been established by the Federation Parliament, he was thought likely to run again in 3226, but retired and made way for the election of President Uwadiae.
The election of the successor to the very popular President Jackson was greeted with waves of celebration across Quadrant 1. Even President-elect Tanya Uwadiee’s political opponents have congratulated her on a splendid election campaign. In turn Uwadiae has thanked her opponents for their commitment to the democratic process and was gracious about their defeat. Uwadiae, with a successful career as a fleet officer behind her, is committed to building the FWOQ as a Federation for peace, security and development.


On formation the 11 Federated Worlds were:
Killikrankie, Damper, Gat, Lamster, Radharkrishnan, Pratt, Nose, Ankh, Checkno, Charley and Spuk (Q1)

By 3222, the FWOQ had expanded to 19 worlds:
In Quadrant 1: Charley, Chekno, Kami, Gunny, Killikrankie, Gat,Damper, Z160, Radhakrishnan, Lamster, Ankh, Nose, Pratt, T301, T581, T591, Oa
In Quadrant 8: Spuk, Reconciliation Z156

Government 3226

Tania Uwadiae President

Fiona McTavish Vice President
Thaddeus Pennachio Secretary of State
Katelynn Mathiew Secretary General of the Federated Planets (Chair of the Senate)
Admiral Carey Mehtani Chief of the Naval Staff
Keila Koewler Head of the Federal Treasury
Armand Dayer Head of the Department of Harmony

Government 3231

Tania Uwadiae President
Keila Koewler Vice President
Angus Mctavish Secretary of State
Katelynn Mathiew Secretary General of the Federated Planets (Chair of the Senate)
Admiral Carey Mehtani Chief of the Naval Staff
Ching Wei Henderson Head of the Federal Treasury
Viji Patel Head of the Department of Harmony

