News of 3217 Turn 147

KAMI CONFLICT ENDS BLOODLESSLY Dateline 3217.265 KAMI Q1 Rival colonial groupings on Kami have been arming themselves for several octants now, and observers were sure the dispute over the resource-rich Quinch Islands would erupt into armed conflict any day.  But thanks to the intervention of mediators from the Federated Worlds, the situation has been defused […]

News of 3198 Turn Minus 10

News of 3198 Turn -10: 3198.050 – 3198.099 SECOND BATTLE OF DYME Quadrant 7. Grid 648112. Stardate 3198.016 Admiral ‘Exterminator Killer’ Burwasher, commanding a reinforced Task Group 7, pounced on a threatening Exterminator just outside the M25 of Dyme. The enemy was critically damaged and beaten off, hopefully never to return. Battle of Senta Quadrant […]

News of 3197 Turn Minus 11

Industrial Orbital Wrecked in Freak Accident. Dateline Marque Q7 3197.386 Reports have come in of a freak system failure on the industrial fabrication orbital owned by Buma Industries Corporation. The installlation, which was contracted to the Imperial Government to manufacture specialist high tech agricultural parts for the farming industries on Marque suffered what the company […]