News of 3201 Turn 13

Victory at Tuskan Dateline Tuskan Q7 3200.352 – News At Ten Report The largest mobile Exterminator fleet ever encountered attacked the Earther system of Tuskan for no terribly clear reason. Somehow, humanity managed to get a substantial ad-hoc combined fleet to the system to meet this attack under Earther Admiral Tryon, and in the ensuing […]

News of 3200 Turn 12

POTATO TAKES THE HEXAGON ! Stardate 3200.351 Amidst scenes of jubilation and gay abandon in the Star Party Headquarters, rank outsider Alphie Potato was officially inauguated as the next President of the Greater Federation of Asteel. At least three political pundits have reportedly commited suicide in reaction to this totally unexpected result. Potato – the […]

News of 3200 Turn 10

Panic Spreads as fear of ‘Invisible Exterminators’ Grows. Dateline 3200.220, Q7 Rumours and news are spreading into Q0, 5 and 7 about the ‘missing’ Exterminators. Humanity is steeling itself for another onslaught, which so far has failed to materialise. All over the place there is evacuation from cities, the wealthy leaving systems, traders moving elsewhere, […]

News of 3200 Turn 9

Z’Ha’Dum : Operation Wasp’s Nest II Dateline Z’Ha’Dum Q5, 3200.155 The remaining Exterminator Fortresses and shipyards at Z’ha’Dum were destroyed in a daring combined assault using specially modified ‘suicide ALSIs’ each containing nuclear weapons. A ramming attack delivered these weapons on each of the four remaining foresses in the system, resulting in their utter destruction. […]

News of 3200 Turn 8

Battle of Z’Ha’Dum Quadrant 5 Stardate 3200.110 One of the mightiest Exterminator bases ever encountered, the Combined Human Fleet under Venerian Admiral Lugaburruga will attempted to destroy it with a massdriving attack, supported by the combined human fleet. The combined fleet sent two rocks on massdriving missions from opposite sides of the system. The Exterminators […]

News of 3200 Turn 7

Protests disrupt Robot march Dateline Helm’s Deep 3200.089 Pro-Robot rights parades are often festive events, but HD police have arrested protesters after they shouted insults and threw eggs at people taking part in the Q2 colony’s first robot pride march. The few dozen marchers were outnumbered by hundreds of protesters who blocked the narrow streets […]

News of 3200 Turn 6

Ex-PM guilty of corruption Dateline Park Ape Q8, 3200.021 Park Ape’s ousted Prime Minister Dym Kyunt has received a 44-year suspended jail sentence by a special tribunal in the capital Nougar, legal sources say. They say he was convicted on eight charges, including corruption and bribery, after the closed-door trial. Dym Kyunt – who also […]