News for 3225 Turn 172

Activities to spread vaccination and cures in Q7 are bearing fruit and the situation is improving on W14 and W12 in quadrant 7


Bombings and shootings have accounted for many dead and wounded – the terrorist groups seem to be targeting minor officials of the colonial Government as part of their “War on the Evil Empire”

The famous Martian economist M. Jaynard Quinges, who has been in the quadrant for a while now, has arrived in Korrmanshar with the remit to review and overhaul that world’s economic performance.  Based on their track record, this will definitiely be a shot in the arm for Korrmanshar!

The renowned Earther political scientist Anton Rumata said farewell to Quadrant 7, as they have set off back to Quadrant Zero to take up a new role on Earth.  At present there is no news of any replacement, and the official statement said “Anton Rumata has made a significant contribution tot he wellbeing of the Empire’s colonies in this quadrant, and he leaves us in the knowledge of a job well done”

Election fever continues in Q0, and the pre-election polls are making it neck and neck for Alphie.  Will the Hexagon see a change this year?

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