News of 3199 Turn 3

Building Corruption Convictions. Dateline Hustler Q2 3199.291 Six state bulding control officers and the chief executive of Honest Ron’s Buildings Incorporated were arrested in dawn raids by anti-corruption COPs. At the same time datacores and other documents were seized, and bank accounts frozen. The arrests follow the terrible Schwartzenegger Block tragedy last year, where a […]

News of 3199 Turn 2

The Martians Invade! Dateline Over, Q5, 3299.154 Massive upheaval hits Over as a Martian GF Division storms the Capital City of Landseer. Major fighting has broken out int eh city as the local GFA ground forces attempt to defend the main goverment building from the Martian Invasion. In an official press statement, the Martians allege […]

News of 3199 Turn Minus 5

Mystery illness kills nine Dateline Blinky Q4 3198.262 Health officials in western Blinky are urgently investigating an unidentified illness which has killed nine farmers and put 11 more in hospital. The farmers were taken ill with symptoms including high fever and vomiting during earlier in the year. All the victims, who came from Highland Province, […]

News of 3199 Turn Minus 6

BATTLE OF L’FAYET Quadrant 7, Grid 637086, Stardate 3198.240 A Exterminator Viking unit was detected entering L’Fayet and burning for the colonial main planet L’Fayet III. The L’Fayet starguard mobilised, and the L’Fayet Station protection Squadron went on combat alert. The system’s HSTS was not destroyed (contrary to known Exterminator SOP to date) so the […]