News of 3208 Turn 74

Potatomania Sweeps Earth…Again! Dateline 3208.265 Earth, Sol ‘The most popular man in the Universe’ he is being called by the media on Earth. Yes, its President Alphonse ‘call me Alphie’ Potato, once again wowing the crowds on Earth as Imperial security reached near breaking point to control the crowds on the visiting GFA President’s whistle-stop […]

News of 3208 Turn 73

Outer Worlds observers arrive Dateline 3208.181 Feltten Q2 Observer forces from the Outer Worlds Defence Union have arrived on-planet to help police a tense ceasefire between rival religious groupings. The Church of Light and Harmony and its splinter group the Church of Harmony and Light had turned downtown Enlightenment City into a virtual warzone over […]

News of 3212 Turn 101

Draconian Congress to discuss ‘New Republic’ NEW DRACONIS, Q7 Delegations from the Eastern Defence Bloc worlds are meeting to negotiate a political union treaty that could see the creation of what is being called locally ‘The New Republic’. The Congress, on New Draconis, is looking into possible replacements for the current Alliance councils on Security, […]

News of 3212 Turn 102

INVASION: Z155 Z155, Q8 By Damien Day, INN The Free Worlds Alliance has launched a full-scale military action against the government of Z155 following the latter’s crackdown against ‘dissident elements’ in the wake of the referendum on FWA membership. The FWA fleet achieved complete space supremacy against Z155’s single armed merchant ship, the C5A ‘Warrior […]

News of 3212 Turn 103

IFF Declares Academic Quarantine Dateline 3212.123 Mystery Q0 The Interstellar Forerunner Foundation is calling on all powers, both signatories and non-signatories of the IFF Treaty to observe an unprecedented ‘Academic Quarantine’ of a world previously thought to be entirely unsuitable for colonisation or habitation. The IFF report that their long-term research into the forerunners, funded […]

News of 3212 Turn 107

A Potato Conspiracy? Dateline 3212.311 Asteel Q0 Senators of the Reform Party have been making considerable political capital in the Senate on Asteel with speeches about the ‘undemocratic and corrupt Potato regime’. Using material researched by the think tank the Democratic Ethical Society, which seems to suggest that the President Potato is at the centre […]

News of 3212 Turn 108

Forerunner Base Found Dateline Gunslinger Q8 3212.345 The Science Council of Gunslinger has announced that local archeologists have uncovered an interesting forerunner site in an asteroid in their system. According to the official press statement, this is “…a minor but important find with some interesting aspects…”. Professor Sunil Cavill of the University of Gunslinger said […]

News of 3213 Turn 109

In-Human Rights Abuse? Dateline Shi’ar Q0 3213.010 The story of conspiracy grows on Shi’ar as new accusations are coming in of a major government cover-up of captured aliens. Following a major piece of investigative journalism by the Solar Guardian, the are allegations that the government of Shi’ar not only encountered a newly discovered alien species, […]