News of 3211 Turn 98

Secessionists on the march again TINKY, Q4 Cody Fiddler, Senior Venerian Correspondent After the failure of an attempted military/political secession by several Venerian worlds in Quadrant 4 and a resultant military crackdown (see INN 3208-9) which occurred while the rest of the Universe was distracted with the Amoss Crisis in Q6, the secessionist movement appears […]

News of 3211 Turn 94

Summit marred by GFA-RNV spat GORILLA, Q0 By Henry Davenport, Diplomatic Correspondent As reports from Quadrants 6 and EJ begin to show the chilling outlines of what may be a new interstellar war against the aliens that may have constructed the Exterminators, the Interstellar Summit at Gorilla busied itself with turning the might of humanity […]

News of 3211 Turn 93

Earth to move to ‘war economy’? Sol, Q0 By Collaterlie Sisters We have learned that First Minister Ashanti is private talks with important senate figures and industrialists on the issue of nationalising certain key industries. With another wave of Exterminators upon us, it seems he has a plan to create what is being described as […]