News for 3227 Turn 180

Shock is being expressed on W3 (and elsewhere) at what has been described as a ‘crazed terrorist fanatic’ flying a hijacked military flyer has crashed a huge bomb into one of the Wolf359 peacekeeping forces Forward Operating Bases in the troubled frontier region of East Piltdown.  Point defences opened fire on the incoming flyer when it failed to transmit the required ID codes.  The base was severely damaged and 32 Wolfer military personnel lost their lives (including the base commander Lt Colonel StJohn-Phelps).  This is the biggest single loss of life for Wolfer forces so far in the mission to W3 (and according to INN sources, the biggest loss in Quadrant 7 for over 50 years).  Responsibility has been claimed by the Free People’s Army, a recently formed violent extremist group.

The archeological team on Tuskan have now broken into a vast chamber, some 2.56km long, 500m wide and 100m at its highest.  “We are still speculating as to the purpose of the chamber, as it seems to have housed some important machinery.  Sadly, the nearest compatible structure that might have given us clues was the Great Pyramid on Mystery, and sadly that has now been destroyed”.

Scientists from the Imperial Surevy have confirmed that gravitational space ripples have been detected in the Marque system.  Data is being collected on the phenomenon and consultations have begun with scientists on Xynam who reported similar phenomena a few octants ago.


The mysterious blogger, known only as ‘C-Anon’ has been gathering followers on Potomax (Q7).  Their somewhat cryptic and infrequent utterings are fuelling speculation and conspiracy theories.  Foremost is that the Governor and his staff are shape-changing aliens who drink the blood of vagrants in the basment of a Schwarma restaurant in downtown New Capital City.

Here is an example of the sort of thing being circulated:

“The Governor is corrupt.   You guys are dumb!  They never told to look to the future and be prepared to be the greatest in the history of our galaxy, your efforts were the very best and we will never be able to keep it up.  With one last good move, our galaxy will be yours again – I want to leave you guys with the honor of being one of the first to see this movie.  We didn’t just call it a success, however, we wanted it to be a disaster.  I am so proud to be here and here to see it when this is actually happening,  Thank you, you guys.   Now, one last thanksgiving in this case.In the mean time, let’s get off the couch, relax one more time, you guys.”

The Imperial Provisional Administration (set up by the Imperial Audit Office) has announced dates for new elections and the creation of a new planetary government.  The results are expected next quarter.

After 19 years heading the colonial Union of Xyon Government in Quadrant 7, Isaac ‘Archie’ Vedanta has retired early to “Spend more time with my family”.  Rumours abound that there was some sort of scandal being covered up, but UoX media (and INN) have been unable to confirm (or deny) these rumours.  Vedanta is being replaced by career diplomat Mathias Cobb, previously deputy Governor in Quadrant 1.

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