News of 3213 Turn 112

FWA Union Referendum Starts Dateline Lamster Q1 3213.030 Free Worlds Alliance members have started the pan-alliance referendum process in accordance with the agreements signed earlier this year. It is generally accepted that there will be a very large majority ‘Yes’ vote for political and economic Union. Traffic Chaos on Asteel Dateline Asteel Q0 3213.161 Transport […]

News of 3213 Turn 113

FWA Union Referendum Results Dateline Lamster Q1 3213.120 Free Worlds Alliance pan-alliance referendum produced a very large majority ‘Yes’ vote for political and economic Union. The new polity, to be called the Federated Worlds of the Outer Quadrants is extremely likely to be led by the charismatic and popular Chairman Jackson. (There will be presidential-style […]

News of 3213 Turn 115

More War on T301 Dateline 3213.251 T301 Quadrant 1 Following renewed heavy fighting on T301’s equatorial continent, the Independent Freedom Alliance has been appealing for assistance in the face of a string of Blue Hat Colony victories. Fighting restarted following an attempt by the IFA to recapture the disputed city of Audacity in the Sigil […]

News of 3214 Turn 117

Ceasefire on T301 Dateline 3213.382 T301 Quadrant 1 The warring factions have finally reached a settlement to their long-running conflict, thanks to the intervention of military forces from the Federated Worlds of the Outer Quadrants. This was not achieved without some losses however, and Federation ground forces and marines engaged Blue Hat forces occupying captured […]

News of 3214 Turn 118

Nightmare on Sirius Dateline 3214.072 Sirius Q0 Disturbing news is coming in of an utter catastrophe in the capital city of Sirius, Marx City. Reports have been received of an horrific nuclear explosion right in the city centre. Civilian casualties were heavy, with over 512 citizens killed before they could reach deep shelters. Several city […]

News of 3214 Turn 119

Security Union in Crisis Dateline 3214.070 Cunliffe Q1 The Quadrant One Security Union has reported the resignation of Chairman Dr Durand Durand, representative for Pinky. The move comes amid financial crisis in the Union brought about by the withdrawal of Gumboot in 3212 to join the Union of Xyon, an expensive carrier building contract signed […]